Welcome to Treasure in Every Verse Ministry (TEVM). The teaching and missionary supporting ministry of Kevin Madison. At TEVM, our joy and purpose are to present the gospel of Jesus Christ, void of human opinion, to a lost and dying world. As members of the body of Christ, we are commanded to be that light upon the hill, salt that has not lost its preservation power, and a witness under oath speaking the truth in love. This is the message we endeavor to boldly declare that God now commands all men everywhere to repent because He has appointed a day on which He will judge the world in righteousness by the Man whom He has ordained. For God has given assurance of this to all by raising Christ from the dead. Declaring and confirming His holiness, righteousness, and justice forever. Amen.
The ministry’s outreach is primarily to small local Churches in underserved, impoverished, and Christian hostile countries. Ministry Bible teachers visit the communities and/or conduct zoom Bible studies with each group consisting of local Pastors and parishioners. We endeavor to keep the commands of our Lord and Savior by feeding the flock of God with only the nourishment of the word of God and by providing the essential necessities for the health of the body.
Our Missionary partners are truly dedicated to the work that God has called them to fulfill and perform their duties with love and faithfulness to the Lord. While the service is to others, it is from and to the Lord, for His divine power has given us everything that pertains unto life and godliness through the knowledge of Him who has called us, for His own glory and goodness. It is with humble hearts and fervent prayer that we run the race set before us and finish our course. We will not rest, nor relent until our heavenly Father call us home.
Treasure in Every Verse Ministry is a subsidiary of House of Prayer in Christian Fellowship Ministries. While Kevin is the founder of TEVM, he does not have an active role in the daily operations nor is he a member of its Board of Directors. This was done purposely to allow the work of God in supporting the missionaries in the field without any hint of financial gain on Kevin’s behalf. We are grateful that Kevin has willingly volunteered his time and God’s gift for teaching the Bible to the ministry whenever the ministry calls.
Treasure in Every Verse TV Ministry is wholly owned and operated by Madison Christian Books LLC. Madison Christian Books is a Book Publishing and TV Production Limited Liability Company.
Please partner with us, by helping to support our missionaries, teaching and television ministries, as we journey together with one heart, in faithful obedience to the commands of our Lord. Thank you in advance for your support.
Predestined to Hell? Why would a God of Love Consign People to Hell FOREVER?
Book 1 of 4 of the series “From Sinner to Saint Metamorphosis”.
Do you know anyone who has questions about whether they are traveling the road to heaven or hell? Maybe you are searching for the answer to that question. Which road are you on? Is the roadway filled with potholes? Are the lanes uneven? Are there street signs leading you in the right direction to your destination?
The God Who Loves and Hates: The Book of Obadiah – Why God Loved Jacob and Hated Esau.
Did it ever cross your mind that the God of love can hate certain people? Even before they are born. How can that be? Is it true, and why would God hate anyone? What can a person do that would cause the God of peace and love to hate him or her?
This is the story of two men, twins in fact, between whom the rivalry was so intense that they were fighting inside of their mother’s womb. Concerned about the welfare of her children, she inquired of the Lord to determine if there were complications with either or both.
The Chastisement of the Lord: How the Lord responds when Christians Sin
Book 2 of 4 of the series “From Sinner to Saint Metamorphosis”.
Many believers struggle in their daily walk with the Lord. Life happens because we are in the world, yet not of it. Pilgrims, strangers, and sheep commanded to follow the Chief Shepard wherever He leads us. Along this path, the straight and narrow path, aligned with difficulties as the Lord prepares the table before us in the presence of our enemies. Then there are the natural sorrows accompanying a sin-plagued world hurling at light speed to its destruction.
America - The Judgment of Sodom and Gomorrah
Many have enquired about the United States of America’s status during the biblical end times prophecy. Mainly, where does she fit within God’s plan for the final seven years of human rule history on the earth as outlined in the biblical books of Daniel and Revelation. This biblical period is called by several names: The Day of the Lord, Jacob’s Trouble, The Tribulation / Great Tribulation.
Is America mentioned by name? What will be America’s role? Will America continue to be the sole “superpower” during the tribulation years? If America is not mentioned, does this mean that she is no longer a nation, no longer a “superpower”? What happened to her?
Let us investigate the most likely faith of America, the Beautiful.
God's Model of FORGIVENESS
Ah life, sometimes it seems to be so trivial, so fickle: long seasons of pain, sorrows, and sufferings; short seasons of happiness, fulfillment, and satisfaction, the revolving ebbs and flow of life in pursuit of the unobtainable.
The Lord God offers all people everlasting fulfillment where love, joy, and peace abide forever. This hope is not found in a place or a possession. It is only found in one person, Jesus Christ, the Son of the Most High God. For those willing to repent of their sins and believe in Jesus, God will give them true satisfaction that not even death can take away.
1 Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered.
2 Blessed is the man to whom the LORD does not impute iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no deceit. Psalms 32:1-2
Upcoming Titles From Madison Christian Books
Preservation of the Saints - The Evidence of Saving Faith - Coming Fall of 2025
Story of the Ages – God’s Plan to Eliminate the Possibility of Sin - Coming Fall of 2026