Kevin Madison is an author, husband, and father who has walked faithfully with the Lord for more than 30 years. The son of the late Pastor Leroy Phillips and Billie Mae Phillips, who raised their 13 children to love and fear the God of salvation and King of righteousness.
Modeling his study pattern after Pastor Carl Brown of Baton Rouge, La., and current favorite Pastors Dr. John Barnett and John MacArthur, Kevin has become proficient at dissecting the scriptures verse by verse. Greatly impacted by his affection and love for the late Dr. J. Vernon McGee who always challenged his listeners to study the entire word of God, Kevin has written many topical articles and yet to be published verse by verse commentaries on the Old Testament Prophets. He is the author of several books including Predestined to Hell? - Why Would a God of Love Consign People to Hell FOREVER?; The Chastisement of the Lord – How the Lord Responds when Christians Sin; America - The Judgment of Sodom and Gomorrah; and The God that Loves and Hates-The Book of Obadiah - Why God Loved Jacob and Hated Esau. With several other upcoming titles soon to be published including the much-anticipated title Story of the Ages - God’s Plan to Eliminate the Possibility of Sin.
Kevin’s love for the Lord has given him a passion to see the unbeliever converted into a believer as he walks with Jesus daily while He seeks and saves those who are lost. It is this compassion that prompted the writing of his book Predestined to Hell? Why Would a God of Love Consign People to Hell FOREVER?. Personally, experiencing the ebbs and flow of living in a world contaminated by his sin and the sins of others, Kevin understands the need for prayer, Bible study, Christian fellowship, and encouragement. These principal life events led to the writing of his book titled The Chastisement of the Lord – How the Lord Responds when Christians Sin.
Kevin also loves the calling card of God, prophecy. No one knows the future, nor can anyone predict future events with 100 percent accuracy but God. Therefore, he has devoted much study time to understand the plan of God for heaven, hell, earth, angels, and people. The prophetic scriptures, taken realistically and holistically, lays out in detail the ultimate plan of God while answering the key “why question” that all people have. Why, God, did you allow the possibility of sin within your creation? Like most Christians, Kevin has been asked this question numerous times, which has led to an exhaustive study to address it directly from God’s word. This is the theme in Kevin’s upcoming book titled Story of the Ages – God’s Plan to Eliminate the Possibility of Sin.
It is with great joy, compassion, and truth of the word of God that Kevin has answered the call of the Lord with thanksgiving to write in book format the topics that God has placed on his heart. All to the edification of the church and salvation of the lost, and all honor, glory, and praise unto the Most High God and our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.
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